Breath-Testing Device Program

What is metabolic health?

There is no true definition for what metabolic health is. In reality, it is a term that is referring to your metabolism and how well it is functioning. Metabolic health is essentially looking at if your metabolism is optimized or unwell.

Per the Cleveland Clinic, "metabolism refers to the chemical (metabolic) processes that take place as your body converts foods and drinks into energy. It’s a complex process that combines calories and oxygen to create and release energy. This energy fuels body functions." More commonly, metabolism is know for affect how quickly and efficiently our bodies are able to burn calories or convert carbohydrates, proteins, and fat into energy.

What is your metabolism responsible?

Think of your metabolism like a shark. They never stop swimming, and your metabolism never steps running. Its purpose it to constantly provide your body the energy it needs for basic body functions:

  • Breathing.
  • Circulating blood.
  • Digesting food.
  • Growing and repairing cells.
  • Managing hormone levels.
  • Regulating body temperature

An unhealthy metabolic health can lead to many serious and long-term health conditions like obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol levels.

Metabolic health is the star player in your health, weight loss, energy, longevity, and metabolism.

What is a breath-testing device?

A metabolic breath-testing device is a simple hand help device that fits into your palm and can give its user real-time insights into how their metabolism is functioning.

Most of these devices are accompanied with a comprehensive application on your smart-device that allows you to see the real-time data provided by the device.

When the device and app are used appropriately, it can help you understand the impact your lifestyle choices (nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress) have on your metabolic health and body. The recommendations provided in these programs are evidence-based and are designed to help you learn how to 'biohack' your own body.

What is 'biohacking'?

"Biohacking, also known as human augmentation or human enhancement, is do-it-yourself biology aimed at improving performance, health, and wellbeing through strategic interventions." -Bernard Marr

A breath-testing device is a way to biohack your own body and metabolism by sensing the CO2 concentration in a single exhaled breath. The level of CO2 can indicate the type of fuel (fat or carbohydrate) your body is using to produce energy which gives key insights into your metabolic health.

Why use a breath-testing device?

Not only will it empower you with knowledge of how YOUR metabolism works and its health, it can also:

  • Make weight loss easier
  • Get better sleep
  • Optimize workouts
  • Help you build lean mass
  • Help you learn how to optimize your nutrition to achieve and maintain a healthy weight
  • Help you feel energized and less sluggish

What's included?

  • Breath-testing Device
  • 6-months of use with the associated smart phone app
  • 4 consults over your results to further help you understand your unique nutritional needs and work on making you as metabolically flexible as possible!!