4-Month Foundational Protocol

Your detox journey starts with the Roadmap to Health

There is a proper order to follow when it comes to supporting detoxification and getting well. Our Roadmap to Health breaks down this order into easy-to-follow steps or phases.

The Roadmap to Health allows you to move through your detox journey with more ease, energy, and clarity. As a result, you’ll get the results you’re looking for, faster.

Following the Roadmap to Health properly prepares the body for detoxification by first supporting the mitochondria and opening drainage pathways.

This helps minimize unwanted reactions and ensure the body has sufficient energy to detoxify. This step-by-step process targets different areas of the body at each stage of detoxification, so that the underlying root causes of your symptoms can be efficiently addressed

STEP 1 Energy & Drainage: The products in Step 1 deliver key nutrients for optimizing mitochondrial health and establishing healthy drainage pathways — both of which are essential before promoting periods of detoxification. This also helps make the detox process smoother and encourages sustained energy as your patient or client moves through the protocol

STEP 2 Gut & Immune Support: After optimizing ATP production and healthy drainage pathways in Step 1, Step 2 focuses on promoting the body’s natural detoxification processes and nurturing the gut microbiome. Step 2 consists of BC-ATP, BioToxin Binder, Para 1, and Para 2. Para 1, our flagship gut and immune support supplement (made from 100% pure Mimosa pudica seed), encourages the removal of occasional intestinal buildup.

STEP 3 Whole Body Immune Support: Step 3 builds momentum for deeper, whole body cleansing. It consists of Advanced TUDCA, CT-Minerals, Para 1, Para 3, and ViRadChem Binder to continue to promote healthy drainage pathways, encourage the removal of occasional intestinal buildup, and support liver health and bile flow.

STEP 4 Systemic Detox: Step 4 picks up where Step 3 left off to continue promoting systemic detoxification and healthy drainage pathways with BC-ATP, HM-ET Binder, LymphActiv, and Para 4. BC-ATP returns to optimize energy production and mitochondrial health, while the other three products are introduced to the protocol for the first time.


Ready to jumpstart your health goals and get to feeling your?

Want a little more guidance? Schedule a 15-minute consult with a functional medicine pharmacist!